who suits what

A disclaimer: Of course you could buy any candle for anyone, these are not rules but merely a gentle guide. We thought just in case gift giving isn’t your strong suit, because it is ours, we’d created a quick cheat sheet to help make the process that much easier. So with that being said, you’ve got a friend’s birthday coming up, you know she loves candles (of course she loves candles, they are the best) but you don’t know which one she would love the most and you can’t be bothered to ask subtle questions about her favourite holiday destination (a real indicator in the candle picking world) to try and work it out. Then have no fear, nära is here! Let’s talk about them!

The Relaxer

If your friend loves going to the spa, talking about the spa and doing at home face masks and hair treatments, we reckon they’ll love the Neroli candle, our own take on ‘the spa candle’. It’s warming and grounding with the added feature of doubling up as a body oil (as do all our candles) so not only can she smell her favourite place she can actually smell of her favourite place. Talk about experiential.

The Cleaner

If you friend loves clean, clean eating, actual cleaning, a secret whiff of the Method Golden Citrus antibac (although have you tried the French Lavender scent, my word), is awake from 6am and has more energy than there are hours in the day, you’ll want to get them our Lime, Basil and Mandarin candle. Zingy, just like them, this candle will definitely wake them up..not that they need any help with that.

The Sleeper

Your friend loves sleep, or they struggle with it and need more. Maybe they just had a baby? Either way our sleepy Ylang Ylang and Lavender candle is perfect for them. Better sleep is one of the things we care about most and one of the main reasons we created a whole bedtime routine, see our whole range HERE if you really wanna spoil her, or if she is your mum.

The Jet Setter

Your friend has exquisite taste, she loves to travel and enjoys the finer things in life. If she herself is sweet but not girly we think she would love our Moroccan Rose candle set. A sophisticated Jasmine, she’ll definitely be glad to get her Arabian night on the go. 

The Duchess

You’re friend loves all things British, she loves period dramas and her treat of choice is Afternoon Tea. If you’re Sheffield based this is our favourite Afternoon Tea. Our Lavender and Bergamot candle is a gorgeous option with a spicy, woody Bergamot and floral Lavender. Plus, if she likes Earl Grey (of course she likes Earl Grey), she’s bound to enjoy this candle.

Wanna know a secret?

Okay, none of your friends fit into these categories and you don’t know what to do. That’s okay, it’s not a very extensive list. i’ve got a nära cheat for you. Black Pomegranate is pretty much everyone’s favourite. We are yet to meet someone that doesn’t like it (I know, narcissistic, but true). Plus it comes in a gorgeous gift set and we can add your personal message to it if you like. Sorted?

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