You're Invited
Attention Sheffield friends!
We are so thrilled and excited to announce that we will be exhibiting at this years Golddigger Trust’s Womens Pre-Loved Clothes Sale, on Saturday 17th November. A gorgeous event that is filled with shopping pre-loved clothes, stalls from other local businesses (including Forge Denim and Stylish Mum), live music, a raffle (who doesn’t love a raffle) and refreshments. It really is not to be missed. Plus we will be there, with all our products in all their glory. To touch, smell and see in the flesh, it might be a good opportunity to start planning Christmas presents.. no you’re freaking out about Christmas. Anyway, if you’ve been interested in smelling Black Pomegranate to see what all the fuss is about, now might be a good time to do it. Want to see if the silk is as soft as we say it is, or if that box really looks as good in real life (FYI, it does), then you won’t want to miss the evening.. there might even be special one night only deals… you heard it here first!
But more importantly
The Golddigger Trust put on fabulous events throughout the year and with good reason too. The Golddigger Trust is a registered charity that provides award winning services for vulnerable young people in Sheffield. From running courses specifically designed for all the different things young people are facing today to working one on one with each individual, this charity believe ‘that through developing positive self-esteem and well-being, people are more secure, aspire and achieve more’. How incredible. And it’s not just us who think so, they’ve won and continue to win award after award so they really are getting stuff done. We think they are fabulous and if you’ve not heard of them before (unlikely) then we really believe that this could be the perfect introduction. Buy your tickets online and support this life changing charity today.
Important bits and pieces
Pre-Loved Clothes Sale on Saturday 17th November, you can buy tickets and find details here
Find out more about The Golddgigger Trust here and all the ways you can support the incredible work they do.
Follow them on instagram here and facebook here to keep updated and in the know.